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Herefordshire Green Network


The Herefordshire Green Network is a not for profit organisation that brings together local groups and individuals who are committed to a thriving Herefordshire and are working together to address the climate and ecological crises.

HGN supports local projects, hosts regular events, provides free training and resources for our members, and lobbies for change.

Our weekly newsletter has a readership of 800+ people and our groups reach many more people across the county.

The need to connect, share resources and help each other is more important than ever and we are dedicated to supporting communities via our growing membership and through new initiatives such as Building Sense, Great Collaboration Herefordshire and the Great Collaboration Toolkit.

With our strong, active base of public support, and our history of positive engagement with local agencies, local government and local businesses, HGN is uniquely well-placed to encourage and support long-term sustainable change across Herefordshire.

About Us

We’re a Network of local groups & individuals working together for a thriving Herefordshire, collaborating to address the climate & ecological crisis.

Join Us!

Whether you are a community group, business, organisation, parish council or individual – there is a place for you.

Through our project The Great Collaboration – Leading to a Zero Carbon Herefordshire we are inviting communities to come together. Discussion, sharing of information, inspiration, & peer-to-peer support is at the core of this work supporting parish councils & their local communities. Around the county people are starting to respond to Herefordshire’s declaration of a Climate & Ecological Emergency with their own shared, locally-relevant, practical projects & plans.

The Great Collaboration Towards a Zero Carbon Herefordshire

Supporting communities via Parish Councils

Building Sense

Creating comfort and cutting carbon

Our Vision: Herefordshire thriving, and collaborating to address the climate & ecological crisis.

Our Mission: Energising People for a Zero Carbon Herefordshire.

Latest News

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If you are interested in becoming an HGN sponsor we would love to hear from you.

Please email Rachel at

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